Psychometric properties of three measures of “Facebook engagement and/or addiction” among a sample of English speaking Pakistani university students

Turley, Jo, Lewis, Christopher Alan, Musharraf, Sadia, Malik, Jamil A and Breslin, Michael J (2018) Psychometric properties of three measures of “Facebook engagement and/or addiction” among a sample of English speaking Pakistani university students. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. ISSN 1557-1874

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For researchers interested in measuring the construct of “Facebook engagement and/or addiction,” there are a number of existing measures including the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale, the Facebook Intensity Scale, and the Addictive Tendencies Scale. Currently, there is limited data on the psychometric properties of these three scales, especially among South Asian samples. The present aim was to address this shortfall. A sample of 308 English-speaking Pakistani university students completed the scales, in their original English versions, on two occasions separated by four weeks. Results demonstrated that for each of the scales, across both administrations, satisfactory psychometric properties were found, including internal reliability, temporal stability, and construct validity. Moreover, for these three scales, using confirmatory factor analysis, a one-factor structure was generally found to be a good description of the data for both male and female samples. These data provide further evidence for the reliability and validity of three scales concerned with “Facebook engagement and/or addiction.”

Item Type: Article
Divisions: Social and Life Sciences
Depositing User: Hayley Dennis
Date Deposited: 01 Aug 2018 11:06
Last Modified: 16 Jul 2019 03:40

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