The potential of Contribution Analysis to alcohol and drug policy strategy evaluation: an applied example from Wales

Livingston, Wulf, Madoc-Jones, Iolo and Perkins, Andrew (2019) The potential of Contribution Analysis to alcohol and drug policy strategy evaluation: an applied example from Wales. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy. ISSN 0968-7637

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Contribution analysis (CA) is being increasingly favoured as a policy evaluation tool. This includes application to evaluate alcohol and drug policies. This paper reflects on one such example and begins by providing a brief overview of CA as an evaluative research method. It then describes the way in which CA was applied to evaluate alcohol and drug policy in Wales, one of the constituent countries of the UK. This paper reports on two issues. First, how the theory of CA was translated into practice. Second, the key learning points for us as evaluators that arose out of the utilisation of this method. The article highlights that our use of CA enabled a rich exploration of programmes within their contextual setting, and had a range of limitations and considerable challenges associated with identifying and explaining causalities. Within these methodological discussions, we also illustrate how the policy was more successful in elements closer to its nomenclature framing; i.e. harm reduction, than it was to other incorporated aims. The analysis presented in this paper will be useful across a range of jurisdictions where the need to evaluate drug and alcohol policy and practice initiatives may arise.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Contribution analysis, evaluation, methodology, alcohol, drug, policy
Divisions: Social and Life Sciences
Depositing User: Hayley Dennis
Date Deposited: 06 Aug 2019 11:13
Last Modified: 30 Jul 2020 03:40

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